CASE Insights on Alumni Engagement
Key Dates
- 2023 Key Findings Published
- FY2024 Survey Opens
- FY2024 Survey Closes
- FY2024 Survey Closes (Australia & New Zealand)
Activities that are valued by alumni build enduring and mutually beneficial relationships, inspire loyalty and financial support, strengthen the institution's reputation and involve alumni in meaningful activities to advance the institution's mission.
In 2019, CASE launched a new Alumni Engagement Metrics survey (now called CASE Insights on Alumni Engagement), enabling institutions to measure alumni engagement across four “modes”: Philanthropic, Volunteer, Experiential, and Communications, with the goal of providing a simple way to capture various types of alumni engagement on an annual basis. These metrics can be applied across the broad range of CASE member institutions in more than 80 countries.
The survey results:
- Provide data to inform unified measures of alumni engagement, such as the percentage of alumni engaged in at least one mode. While CASE seeks to build a methodology for comparison, engagement may include indicators beyond what is included here as well as activities that may never be collected in your system. Therefore, measures of engagement are indicative rather than definitive.
- Provide longitudinal data sets as surveys continue.
- Enable participating institutions to measure and compare metrics across global and aspirational peers year-over-year.
- Provide data to inform initiatives supporting educational advancement.
- Help institutional leaders set goals, assess performance, build capacity, and make informed, strategic decisions regarding investments in advancement.
Access to Data
CASE member institutions can access and analyze data using the CASE Insights data portal application as a benefit of their CASE membership and will also receive a summary benchmarking report, which provides visualizations and comparisons to like institutions. CASE member institutions who complete the survey may purchase additional services designed to dig deeper into the results, such as strategic benchmarking reports and benchmarking cohorts.
Support Documentation
This page includes resources to help you get started, including FAQs and links to three key items: the original Whitepaper describing the framework, the new Guidance Documentation for completing the survey, grids for both versions of the survey to help you organize and store responses.
Contact Staff
Email aem@case.org with questions and/or to let the CASE staff know you want access to the survey and/or the CASE Insights data portal. If you do not currently have an account, one can be created for you. Training and orientations are available as well, at no charge. Simply request an appointment.