Center for Community College Advancement
Join the conversation in the Community Colleges and Community College Grants online communities
CASE members transform lives by advancing and supporting education.
The CASE Center for Community College Advancement provides training and resources to help community colleges build and sustain effective fundraising, alumni relations, grant and communications and marketing programs. The center offers members a mix of programs and products designed specifically for community colleges as well as resources developed for educational institutions of all types.
Highlights for Community Colleges
Community Colleges Communities
CASE Community Colleges Community
For CASE members working in advancement at community colleges to share ideas, ask questions and network with peers.
CASE Community Colleges Grants Community
This community is for CASE members who are community college grant professionals, and for those interested in the work of the Federal Funding Task Force for community colleges
The CRD Legacy Scholarship Fund
The Council for Resource Development Legacy Scholarship Fund has been created to provide a scholarship to be awarded annually to support newcomers to community college advancement. It is intended for either the CASE Conference for Community College Advancement or the Conference for Community College Grant Professionals