Marketing Opportunities Available with CASE
Sponsor, Exhibiting, Advertising
Whether to elevate your visibility with members through branding options, conference participation, or to establish a larger presence, CASE has a variety of opportunities available.
Conference Sponsorship and Exhibiting
Having a presence at CASE conferences is your best option for stewarding your most loyal clients and engaging prospects. Exhibiting is a low-cost option with potential high-level rewards.
To learn more about becoming a sponsor and / or exhibitor at CASE conferences, please email the contact from your respective region:
- United States and Canada - Erica Smedley Cox, Senior Director of Corporate Relations: ecox@case.org
- Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America - Cristina Marochi, Director of Corporate Relations - Global: cmarochi@case.org
Sponsored Webinars and Advertising
CASE offers customized strategies tailored to your budget, using our expanded media options to reach decision-makers at CASE-member institutions:
- Sponsored Webinars: An opportunity for CASE Corporate Partners to deliver their content, thought leadership, expertise and best practices directly to CASE member institutions. Free for professionals at CASE member institutions, maximizing the opportunity for your content to reach a large global audience.
- Currents: This multiple award-winning magazine takes an interdisciplinary approach to education advancement, explores contemporary issues, trends, and best practices in advancement. Available in print and digital.
- CASE Newsletters: including Advancement Weekly, BriefCASE, and Community College Advancement News. Reach members on a weekly, monthly, or bimonthly basis.
- CASE.org: the online home of CASE, visited by members worldwide.
Review the CASE Media Kit for a full list of global advertising opportunities.
CASE Advertising Interest Form