Educational Partners
Working together to strengthen schools, colleges, and universities
CASE invites corporations and firms doing business with educational institutions to become Educational Partners. Educational Partners provide significant value as thought leaders and key supporters at conferences, in publications, and through research. And CASE can provide your company with valuable engagement opportunities, visibility, and access to our global membership.
CASE Educational Partners enjoy the following benefits (vary by level):
Access: Unique and valuable opportunities to engage with CASE's institutional membership and conference attendees.
Branding: Visibility with CASE lends additional credibility and prestige to a company or firm.
Engagement: CASE is consistently looking to partner on the next big idea in Advancement that supports our members.
Expand markets: As a global association with members in more than 80 countries, partnering with CASE is a good opportunity to explore new markets.
Return: Partners receive significant discounts for the most return on their investment.