Championing Advancement: Implementation
The New Business Model

The current CASE operating model is premised on a one-to-many approach. We have built a broad portfolio of offerings over nearly 50 years, which are directed to broad audiences even though our membership is institutional. We currently reach 97,000 individuals engaged in advancement across more than 3,100 institutions in 80 countries spanning four CASE regions worldwide.
With a slight but firm reframing, we will partner with senior-level decision makers to continue to develop their advancement teams across disciplines at every level of career in service of the institution’s strategy.
We will become an association that operates more explicitly in a business-to-business model versus our current business-to-individual approach. The new model will seek to ensure that our relationship is strongest with senior leaders in the institution who leads advancement, those whose titles may include chief advancement officer, chief communications and/or marketing officer, chief alumni engagement/relations officer, director of development/marketing/alumni relations, vice president for advancement, head of school, or foundation CEO, and who are expected to use their resources strategically to achieve institutional goals. We will continue to serve the entire community but will add a layer of focus and service to the leadership group, honing our opportunities and messaging to help them achieve their goals.
The five-year financial model underpinning Championing Advancement: CASE 2022–2027 includes a combination of growing new activities and revenue streams outside of current operations, maintaining or expanding existing offerings that are already core to our value proposition, and eliminating some existing activities that no longer provide significant member benefits. We are working toward establishing a more sustainable three-way balance between educational programming, membership dues, and other revenue streams. Inherent in this new business model is a need to proactively manage and quickly adapt to change to ensure our long-term financial viability. Through a new staff structure and streamlined business processes we will establish a foundation that will allow us to regularly monitor and assess risks and opportunities as they arise and quickly change course as needed.
Stepping Out with Conviction
As understanding grows among educational leaders of the importance of effective integrated advancement, we will continue to lead the profession by fulfilling the aspirations, executing the strategies, and measuring the outcomes delineated in Championing Advancement: CASE 2022–2027.
We decided, in developing this strategic plan, that we did not want to stand still and simply await a return to the past after the coronavirus pandemic fades. We will seize this moment of change and reframe how we do what we do with renewed energy, definition, and focus. We will be bold, agile, and innovative, as stated in our values. And we will be relentless in our commitment to our mission: acting as a catalyst for advancing education worldwide by inspiring, challenging, and equipping communities of professionals to act effectively and with integrity to champion the success of their institutions.
Through Championing Advancement: CASE 2022–2027, our delivery on the strategic intent will mean that CASE is the undisputed global association for the professional community of institutional advancement.
Championing Advancement: CASE 2022–2027
Defining the competencies and standards for the profession of advancement, and leading and championing their dissemination and application across the world’s educational institutions.