Leadership Forum
Welcome from the track chairs
Marnie Middlemiss | Director of Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement, University of Brighton
Dee Reid | Director of External Relations, Leeds Beckett University
It's been three years since we have been able to come together in-person with colleagues from across Europe to share ideas, learnings, opportunities… and so much more. We’ve all got challenges we overcame and changes that the pandemic has brought about. Now, as we face more uncertainty, it's evermore important that we continue to build networks and share innovation to take practical actions back to our institutions.
The Leadership Forum is a significant opportunity to take time out with peers to think about the leaders we are and the leaders we want to be for our teams. We recognise that it is hard to find time in our day-to-day work to do this. This year, we have Sue Cunningham bringing a special guest for a fireside chat; a rare opportunity to hear from a Higher Education leader under Chatham House rules – our lips are sealed!
Please be reminded to join the Leadership Track, you would need to be registered at an added fee via the registration link.
Leadership Track Dinner
30th August – 19:00 – 21:00
The Hive, Glasgow Science Centre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1EA
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Leadership Track
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Wednesday 31st August
09:00 – 09:10
Welcome from Sue Cunningham, President and CEO, CASE
09:10 – 09:15
Welcome from Track Chairs - Dee Reid and Marnie Middlemiss
09:15 – 11:30
Navigating Challenging Conversations
Sarah Langslow, Executive Leadership Coach
From time to time all of us face conversations which we anticipate will be challenging. Whether it is a critical negotiation, or a meeting to give difficult feedback to a team member, they can feel uncomfortable and unpredictable.
So how do we prepare when we don’t know how it will go? The key is to focus less on what we will say, and more on our mindset, approach, intentions and objectives.
In this interactive workshop led by Sarah Langslow, a leadership development specialist and executive coach, we will explore how to prepare yourself effectively and show up powerfully.
During the session you will be introduced to a framework to set you up for success in challenging conversations, then have space to practise putting it into action through live role play. Attendees will leave with insights into their own blind spots as well as practical tools to take back into their leadership roles.
11:45 – 12:45
CEAC Mid-Week Plenary - Advancing Education Across Boundaries
Sue Cunningham, President and CEO, CASE
Liesl Elder, Chief Development Officer, The University of Oxford & Chair, CASE Europe Regional Council
Teppo Heiskanen, Director, Advancement and Corporate Engagement, Aalto University & Chair, CASE District for Northern Europe
Leila Ojjeh, Director Alumni Relations, Ecole Polytechnique Federale - Lausanne (EPFL) & Chair, CASE District for Central, Eastern, Western and Southern Europe
Susie Balch, Associate Dean for Advancement, London Business School | Chair, CASE District for United Kingdom and Ireland
Mid-week plenary supported by:

12:45 – 13:45
Leadership: Assessing, Mapping, and Leading Across Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Contexts
Deb Taft, Chief Executive Officer, Lindauer
CASE and CEAC attendee institutions exist in a range of contexts in 2022 related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Leaders and communities place EDI – both organically and by choices and decisions made – along a continuum of organisational priorities and are on unique journeys, pacing, and levels of action. Current and prospective members of our communities, as a result, experience varied levels of belonging and engagement.
As leaders, we both reflect our contexts and can shape our contexts forward. Where are our organisations, where are we, and how will we choose to lead? This interactive session will work through some key phases and arenas of EDI dynamics, consider paths for focus and action, and help us frame our EDI approach as leaders.
We will first use a structured framework to assess and understand our organisational environments, market pressures and demographic shifts, and leadership directions and signals. Second, what might the various operating, financial, community and/or values imperatives be for EDI action in our realm? And third, what does this mean for each of us in the year ahead, as leaders or emerging leaders in our institutions?
In this interactive working session led by Deb Taft, a leading organizational and talent executive and CEO of Lindauer Global, we will dive into EDI dynamics and contexts and map our leadership paths forward.
Thursday 1st September
07:45 – 08:45
Leadership breakfast roundtables
A chance to discuss with your colleagues and peers those topics and themes that are keeping you, as leaders, awake at night.
These will be selected from the most popular topics shared by you as part of the pre track survey.
09:00 – 11:00
Taking people with you
Marie Mohan, UK Managing Director, Common Purpose
As we reimagine a future state or lead our teams and departments through periods of significant transformation, the challenge is not only to remain agile ourselves but to lead people through change and uncertainty. How do you flex your default approach to get the most out of your people, taking them with you so you can work towards a shared vision of the future?
Delivered by the global leadership development organization, Common Purpose, this session will focus on:
- The mind-set and behaviours that better enable leaders to take people with them
- Creating a supportive space for exchanging personal leadership challenges and learnings
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30
Coffee Conversation
Sue Cunningham, President and CEO, CASE
Alistair Jarvis, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Partnerships and Governance, University of London
Leadership Track concludes
12:30 - onwards
Join the main CEAC conference