Login FAQs
What do I use to login to the CASE website?
- Use your work email address as your Email/username.
- Your password is unique to you and your account with CASE. Forgot it? Reset your password here.
My institution is a CASE member, but I am new. How do I access the benefits?
- Individuals must use their own email-linked login credentials to access CASE resources.
- Create an account and be sure to affiliate with your institution during the sign-up process.
- Affiliating correctly with your institution when you create your account will allow you to access benefits immediately.
My institution said they already created an account for me. How can I access the login information?
- If your work email was active when they created your CASE account look for a “Welcome to CASE” email in your inbox.
- If you can’t find that email, check here to see if you were added and, if the system finds your email, simply reset your password to gain access.
- If your email address wasn’t added at the time your colleague added you, contact CASE Member Support to update your account first.
My institution isn’t a member yet. How can I login and buy a book/register for an event?
- Individuals from non-member institutions can interact with CASE in many ways. Just create an account. If your institution or company is not found in the search, just select the option to continue and proceed to set up your individual credentials.
- If you already created your account in the past but have forgotten the details, you can search the system for your Email.
I recently changed jobs. How can I update my previous account to my new employer?
- CASE can serve you best when your account information is up to date.
- There are three ways you can update your account:
- Recommended and most common: Contact CASE Member Support in your region. They can update your record. Provide your new information – new job title, email address and mailing address. Ask them to update your account and provide your previous employer/email address.
- Second most common: Contact your new institution’s designated membership coordinator. Your institution’s coordinator has a capability to search for your record and update it online. Not sure who your coordinator is? CASE Member Support can tell you who that is.
- Less common: Update yourself. If you remember your old credentials, you can login to the CASE website with those, click on My Account > Addresses. The Helpful Tips section has a link to step-by-step instructions on starting from that page to change your linked institution.
- Recommended and most common: Contact CASE Member Support in your region. They can update your record. Provide your new information – new job title, email address and mailing address. Ask them to update your account and provide your previous employer/email address.