Josef Azam

Josef Azam

Design Shopp


Josef Azam is a 38-year-old entrepreneur born in Montreal with a unique ethnicity having been born to an Israeli-Jewish mother and an Afghan-Muslim father. His family’s humble background has encouraged him to continuously reach for his goals. His philosophy has always been one of hard work and perseverance.

He co-founded Design Shopp, a Montreal-based marketing and web agency with employees around the globe. His ability to identify new business opportunities also led him to public speaking and a variety of diverse business investments such as restaurants and film production. Being an online marketing guru and enthusiast, he continuously shares his knowledge with various business network groups and company owners, offering seminars and group coaching sessions. His unique approach allowed him to break down industry barriers and generate over 1.5 billion dollars in sales for his clients.

He uses much of his personal experiences and struggles through school and business as a source of inspiration for his public speaking appearances. Josef has been on a mission to improve and inspire the lives of people who come from similar hardships around the world.

Josef Azam is currently the President of Cloverdale Multi-Ressources, a non-profit organization located on the West Island of Montreal, whose mission is to support lower-income families that have recently immigrated to Canada. He is also a board member of Yes Montreal (Youth Entrepreneurship Services), a non-profit community-driven organization that helps Quebecers find employment opportunities and develop their skills as entrepreneurs.

Josef has given over 50 leadership and keynote speeches in the past year to organizations across North America and Europe. He has spoken to over 10,000 underserved youth in communities and organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, JA centers, and school boards. He will also continue speaking in prisons and juvenile detentions. Occasionally, Josef Azam also gives entrepreneurship and leadership workshops at a local college where he graduated from, John Abbott College.

He uses much of his personal experiences and struggles through school and business as a source of inspiration. Josef has been on a mission to improve and inspire the lives of people who come from similar hardships around the world.