Jenna Goodloe Wade

Jenna Goodloe Wade

Vice President for Development
Rhodes College
Crystal Apple Winner


Jenna Goodloe Wade has worked at Rhodes College for more than 19 years. In 2005 she was named the vice president for development where she oversees all aspects of development including annual, major and planned giving, alumni relations, college events, athletic fundraising, community relations and advancement services. In this role she is completed a comprehensive capital campaign which has raised more than $314 million toward a $303.5 million goal.

During her time at Rhodes, she has worked in various capacities within the Development office. As the director of the annual fund she led the college to break records in dollars and participation—exceeding 50 percent alumni participation. Following her time as the director of annual giving, she became the director of development and later the associate vice president for development where her primary responsibilities included working closely with the president of the college, overseeing major and planned gifts, foundations and corporations as well as the annual fund. Most recently she planned and conducted the college's largest capital campaign.

Prior to joining Rhodes she worked in development and alumni affairs at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center within the medical school and as an executive director and director of development at the American Cancer Society.

She has served as a member of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District III Board of Directors since 2005, served on the CASE Philanthropy Commission, co-chaired the CASE III District Conference in 2006, and served as a faculty on several CASE development conferences. She received the CASE Crystal Apple in 2010 for top faculty ratings at ten CASE conferences. She currently serves on the CASE Liberal Arts College Advisory Committee.

Wade received her bachelor's degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and her master's degree in education from Vanderbilt University.