CASE Laureates
The CASE Laureates are a community of senior volunteers who have provided invaluable service to CASE and to the mission of advancing education to transform lives and society.
CASE is powered by its volunteer community. All over the world senior advancement practitioners give of their time and expertise in support of CASE and their advancement colleagues. People at the top of their profession work tirelessly to share their knowledge to help our members grow impact, resilience and influence.
Launched in 2019, the CASE Laureates community helps maintain connection and communication with senior volunteers, keeping them engaged in the life of CASE—whether or not they are currently in a formal volunteer role. The Laureates are a global pool of experts who CASE can call upon when help is needed. Laureates will be invited to come together at major events to receive briefings, offer advice and stay close to the action—and to one another.
The work of CASE is not possible without these remarkable volunteers. We gratefully and proudly celebrate them
CASE Laureates Background
CASE has developed a new named global community of senior volunteers (both professionals and partners) to help deliver CASE's global impact and growth as part of the Reimagining CASE Strategic Plan.
The newly formed CASE Laureates represents CASE's most senior volunteers who are selected by virtue of having held a senior leadership role (identified below). Eligible volunteers were invited to join the community in Spring 2019.
Engagement opportunities will include the US/Canada District Conferences, the CASE-NAIS Conference, the Summit for Advancement Leaders, the CASE Europe and CASE Asia-Pacific Annual Conferences and others. Event types will range from intimate gatherings with the president and other CASE leadership to larger receptions at the more heavily attended events.
In addition to gathering throughout the year, Laureates will receive high-level communications from CASE leadership which will provide updates on CASE activities and will solicit input on industry and organizational issues.
Laureates are also eligible to receive a free print copy of CURRENTS magazine.
Active Laureates
Jan Abernathy
Dina Abulfotuh
Norma Aburto
Jesus Acosta
Armin Afsahi
Jo Agnew
Philip J. Akers
Frank Albrighton
Jude Alldred
Daniel Allenby
Richard Allen Ammons
Michelle Amos
Ralph E. Amos
Mitch Andrews
Carolina Angel
Gordon J. Arbeau
Donna A. Arbide
Guadalupe Aspe
Dr. Imad Baalbaki
Ann E. Badger
George Bain
Susannah Baker
Dennis M. Barden
Tracy W. Barlok
Dr. Carlos P. Barroso
Kevin Bartlett
Michael Barzacchini
Kathryn Battillo
Skylar Beaver
Adrian P. Beney
Dr. Kristen Bennett
Michael K. Bergler
Anne M. Berry
A. Reginald Best
Kathy Bickel
Diane Binney
Sue Birch
Joshua M. Birkholz
Julian M. Bivins Jr
Dr. Mary K. Blair
Nick Blinco
Thomas P. Bonner
Dr. Rita Bornstein
Dr. Colin Boswell
Jennifer Bowie
Brian Bowman
Margaret Bradley
Dr. Keith E. Brant
Rev. Anthony Bretherton
Jonathan E. Bridge
Catherine M. Brod
Amy Bronson
Lauren F. Brookey
Harold Brown
Claire Brown
Rachel Brown
Dr. Peter O Brunner
Peter S. Bryant
Jimmy Buck
Ashley Budd
Bradley Bundy
Bob A. Burdenski
Kyle C. Button
Amy Button Renz
Elizabeth Cahill
Elizabeth Cairncross
Karen Cairney
Robert M. Caldwell
Dr. German Campos Valle
Deborah Carr
Mary K. Carrasco
Bob E. Carter
John B. Carter Jr.
Linnie Carter
David Cashman
Béatrice Caston
Christy G. Cates
Caroline S. Chang
Joe Cheeseman
Carol L. Cheney
Ricky M. Cheng
Kitty Chisholm
Beng Hwee Chua
Joanne E. Clark
Virginia B. Clark
Wm. Christopher Clarke
Dwight Clasby
J. Todd Coleman
Victoria Collins
Sinéad Collins
Helen A. Colson
Jeff Comfort
Craig Considine
Jason Coolman
James L. Copeland
Chris Cox
Patti Crane
Curtis J. Crespino
Arthur L. Criscillis, Ed. D
John W. Crowe
Sue Cunningham
Dondi L. Cupp
Mark Curtis
Bruce B. Darling
Rick Davis
Theresa Davis
Young Dawkins
Julie Decker
Dr. Ana de la Varga
Adriana Del Conte
Dr. Jon S. Dellandrea
Douglas S. Dibbert
David W. Dini
William T. Doerr
Timothy Dolan
Dr. Susan C. Dolbert
Meg Dooley
Giles Dove
John P. Dowd III
Moyra Doyle
Monique Dozier
Joëlle du Lac
Linda Durant
Robert K. Durkee
Marie Earl
Dr. Donald R. Eastman III
Ian M.D. Edwards
Philip Eijlander
Stephen D. Elder
Liesl Elder
Jonathan Enslin
Lourdes Esperon Diaz Ordaz
Teresa Exline
Matthew Eynon
Christine Fairchild
Alex Favier (né Miles)
Mary Feller
Laurie Fenlason
Doug Ferguson
Gabriela Fernandez Gutierrez
Gail A. Ferris
John Feudo
Lindsey Mann Field
Teresa M. Flannery, Ph.D.
Nathan Follansbee
Lana Fontenot
Robert G. Forman
Donna K. Freddolino
Cindy Fredrick
Constance French
Jeri Pat Gabbert
Gaspar Eduardo Fuentes Garza
Peter Gallo
Simone Garske
Douglas Geddie
Sanders Geert
Jan Geerts
Karin L. George
Lisa Gibert
David Gibson
Ken Gideon
Sandra Golden
Rae Goldsmith
Sergio M Gonzalez
J. Michael Goodwin
Jay Goulart
Steve Grafton
Donald R. Gray
Ronald Gray
Sir David Greenaway
Shelley Greenwood
Lisa Grider
Lina Gryj Rubenstein
Graciela B. Guzman
John A. Gyllin
Marianne Haggerty
Dr. Kayla K. Hale
Myrna Hall
Steven Hall
Rachel Hall
Heather Hamilton
Cecilia Handel
Kathleen A. Hanson
Brian Hargrove
Melanie Harmon
Marina Harper
Marina Harper
Monique Harper-Richardson
Josh Harraman
April L. Harris
James T. Harris III
Walter Harrison
Karen Hart
Brian Hastings
Elizabeth Hawkins
Mary Haworth
Tina M. Hay
Peter A. Hayashida
Dr. Thomas Hayes
Ingrid L. Healy
Kevin Heaney
Warren Heemann
Marcy Heim
Dan L. Heinlen
Jay Heinrichs
Jennifer Heisey
Alan S. Hejnal
Dr. Peyton R. Helm
Colin Hennessy
Rob Henry
Emilie Henry
Elizabeth Herman
Philip C. Higginson
Dr. Folke Hjalmers
Soha Hmaidan
Daniel C. Holsenbeck
Julie Hooper
Shaun Horan
Chris Horbachewski
Jennifer Houlihan
Cheryl House
Virginia Howard
Jianhua Huang
Lesley Humphreys
Penelepe C. Hunt
James Husson
Leslie Hutchens
Richard T. Ingram
Dr. Nat Irvin II
Sheri Irwin-Gish
Patricia P. Jackson
Patricia King Jackson
Kathleen O'Neill Jamieson
Amanda Jarman
Mark Jastorff
Carri Jenkins
Matthew V. Jennings
Angela Joens
Jane A. Johnson
Jeffery W. Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Tonjanita Johnson
David S. Jones
Emma K. Jones
Melanie Jones
Jennifer Karlson
Mary Kay Karzas
Tina M. Kauffmann
Martin Kaufman
Kathleen A. Kavanagh
Melvyn Keen
Dale Keiger
Shaun Keister
Virginia Kelsch
John R. Kemp
Harrel Kennedy
Michael C. Kiefer
Paul Kincaid
Tricia King
Michael Kingan
Maura King Scully
Fiona Kirk
Brian C. Kish
William L. Kissick Jr.
John E. Kobara
Mark C. Koenig
Caryn Schultz Korman
Robbee Baker Kosak
Russel A. Kost, III
Bruno S. Krumenaker
Susan K. Kubik
Edward J. Kvet
Larry S. Lafferty
David Lamb
Tracey Lancaster
Liz B. Landry
Scott Lange
James Michael Langley
Lisa A. Lapin
Stephen Large
Lacie LaRue
Larry D. Lauer
Michael Lavery
Timothy J. Lawlor
David Lawson
Brian K. Lee
Dr. Fernando León García
Amy W.S. Leung
John G. Lewis Jr.
Lisa R. Lewis
James C. Lewis
Jim Lewis
Jeffrey D. Liebermann
Dickson Lim
Dr. Kathy Limmer
Ovidia Lim-Rajaram
Robert R. Lindgren
John Lippincott
Michael J. Littell
Elizabeth S. Littlefield
Shirley Lo
Thomas P. ("Thom") Lockerby
Monica Taylor Lotty
David Lotz
Ann Louden
Julie Lucas
Siôn Lutley
Bill O. Lynerd Jr.
Caroline MacDonald
Kirsty MacDonald
Donna H MacPhee
Gavin Maggs
Lisa C Maizite
Prof Roger Makanjuola
Michael P Malone
Kimberly M Manning
Marie-Stéphane Maradeix
Mr Julian Peter Marland
Daniel Martin
Denise J Martin
Margene Mastin-Schepps
Prof Peter Mathieson
Colin McCallum
Heidi McCrory
Rickey N. McCurry
Dr. E. Ann McGee
Catherine McGlinch
Bill P McGoldrick
Linda McIntosh
Jeffery L McLain
Ian McLean
Kris McPeak
Kate McSweeney
Vicky Medlock
Theresa M Mendoza
Ms Susan M Mesheau
Felicity Meu
Xavier Michel
Barbara Miles
James C Miller
Jane Miller
Nik Miller
Karl Miller-Lugo
Tracy Mills
Suzanne Mink
Thomas J Mitchell
Laura Mitchell
Susan Montague
Robert M Moore, PhD
Joy Moore
James H. Moore Jr
Alan S Moran
Eileen P Moran
Rachel Morton
Mr Scott M Mory
Joanna Motion
Jennie Moule
Colette M Murray, CFRE
Prof Sir Anton Muscatelli
Karen Napier
Alejandra Naranjo
Isabella Navarro
Scott G Nichols
Susie Nicholson
Andrea Nixon
Jackie Nowell
Jerry Nunnally
Mr Dave Nuscher
Paola Ochoa
Richard Odell
Gary R. Olsen
Dr. Timothy L. O'Malley
Katrina Onderdonk
Donna Orem
Elizabeth Breul O'Rourke
Cecilia Orvañanos
Karen E. Osborne
James W. Osterholt
Bob Otterson
O'Neil A.S. Outar
Tracey Palmer
David Palmer
Jonathan Paparsenos
Rodney O. Parks
Jim Pattison
Kathleen E. Pavelka, CFRE
Dame Shirley Pearce
Sarah R. Pearson
Susan Peirce
Maria Claudia Penaranda
Isabel Penne
Simon Pennington
Alejandra Peralta
Gregory Perrin
Gemma Peters
Ms Holly Peterson
Kristopher R. Phillips
Charles D. Phlegar
Vita Pickrum
Christine M. Pina
Christopher N. Pipkins
Tracy Playle
Prof Simpson Poon
Jose Rodrigo Pozon Lopez
Debra Price
Jan Pruitt
Maria Puig
Christina Pulawski
Clare Pullar
Adrian Punaks
William Purcell
Shelby K. Radcliffe
Leonard R. Raley
Emily Rankin
Tania Jane Rawlinson
Lori Redfearn
Kristin V. Rehder
J.A. Stuart Reid
Betheny L. Reid
Liz Reilly
Michael A. Reza
Emily Robin
Kent Rollins
Rafael Romero-Vidal
Peter A. Rooney
J. David Ross
Aaron Rouse
Ian Rowley
Tammie L. Ruda
Kim Russell
Charlotte Rydh
Maziar Sabet
Dr. Shirley Salloway Kahn
Dr. Javier Sanchez
Roberto Sanchez-Mejorada
Rachel Sandison
Kathleen Curry Santora
Kelly Sartorius
Oscar M. Sastré
Tracy G. Savage
Dr. E. Joseph Savoie
Teresa Scalzo
Kristina G Schaefer
Ron J. Schiller
Sherri Schmidt
Michael J. Schoenfeld
Jeffrey Schoenherr
Fritz Schroeder
Jake Schrum
Mark S. Seeberg
Michaela Seeger
Anne Seltzer
Dr. Robert Sevier
Andrew Shaindlin
Shane Shanks
Robert Sharpe
Honora Shaughnessy
Tiffani Shaw
Paul E. Sheff
Martin Shell
David Shepherd
Greg L. Sheridan
Diane L. Shoger
Emma Silva
Curtis R. Simic
Krista Slade
Peter Slee
Beth A. Smith
Bob Smith
Winton C. Smith Jr.
Tom Smith Tseng
Philip Sohmen
Herb P. Soles
Richard M. Sollmann
Lorna Somers
Min-Yam Soon
Andrew Spencer
Peter A. Spina
Steve Staples
Cindy G. Sterling
Miles Stevenson
Douglas G. Stewart
Michael Stoner
Bobbie J. Strand
Melinda Stubbee
Lea Sublett
Steven G. Suda
Robert M. Sullivan
Ellen M. Sullivan
Dr. Serge Sych
Tracy Syler-Jones
Deb Taft
Barry Taylor
Richard Taylor
John H. Taylor
Dr. Colin Taylor
Christine Tempesta
Brian S. Thomas
Sir Eric Thomas
Jon Thorsen
Barbara Todd
Jeff S. Todd
Bernard Toh
Robin Torbron Warde
Gilbert Tordjman
Alison E. Traub
Nancy Treser-Osgood
Kate Troelstra
Nathalie Trott (Walker)
Rebecca Tseng Smith
Lap-chee Tsui
Bernadette Tsui
David L. Unruh
Steven Valencia
Teresa Valerio Parrot
Maarten Vervaat
Christopher Vlahos
Melissa von Stade
Jenna Goodloe Wade
William N. Walker
Richard Walker
Maria Georgina Walther Cuevas
Anita Walton
Dr. David W. Wantz
Cassie S. Warman
Susan L. Washburn
Fred Weiss
Scott S Wells
David J. Whaley
Brenda Whately
Carrie White
Dr. Christine K. Wilkinson
Matthew M. Winston
John Wolfkill
Jim Bob Womack
Gretchen Wood
Kate Woodford
Marilyn J. Woodman
Cynthia Woolbright
Charles A. Wright III
Dale Wright
David Wu
Lori F. Yersh
Antonia Y.H. Yeung
Mary Ruth Yoe
Daniel Yoffe
Luis E. Zedillo Ponce De Leon
Dr. Kelly J. Zuniga, CFRE