Program and Schedule
This program is a hybrid offering from November-April, with some content online and some in-person. This is an intentional choice to ensure consistent mentoring and content delivery throughout a professional's first or second year in their new position.
If you've already registered, you may access the online events here.
Schedule at a Glance
Live Online Sessions
All online sessions are held from 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
In-Person Sessions
Friday, January 19, 2024
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference 2024: January 21–23, 2024
Online Sessions
Monday, November 6, 2023
Online | 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET
Kickoff & Faculty Introductions
Independent School Primer and Trends
Ann Snyder, Senior Director of Communities Engagement, CASE
Independent Schools are unique and operate differently than our higher education or public school counterparts. This session will provide a foundation for how independent schools operate, look at how advancement serves a specific role to various school types and sizes, and will examine the typical independent school business model and its drivers. Participants will walk away with a deeper sense of how schools work and the interplay of key offices within the school. Additionally, this session will examine trends within the independent school industry and the various forces affecting independent schools.
During this session, you will:
- Understand major budget drivers and considerations at independent and international schools
- Understand economic factors driving change in independent schools
- Become familiar with major giving trends over time
- Identify annual/operational giving vs. endowment or capital giving
- Know what role philanthropy plays in the overall financial health of the school
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Online | 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET
Culture of Philanthropy
Shara Freeman Hoefel, Assistant Head of School for External Relations, Francis Parker School
Panel with CASE SAI Faculty
What is a culture of philanthropy, and why does it matter? Everyone in the organization—the head of school, board of trustees, faculty and staff, parents, alumni, and grandparents—plays a crucial role in building a philanthropic community. Philanthropy is egalitarian; everyone can give. Advancement professionals have the opportunity to make this possible and to ensure that every donor feels proud of their investment in your school. In this session, we unpack ways to empower, encourage, and support a culture of philanthropy in which time, treasure, and talent are celebrated and expected.
During this session, you will:
- Define a culture of philanthropy
- Generate ideas to elevate a culture of philanthropy
- Apply strategies to effectively build a culture of philanthropy
- Gather knowledge from independent school professionals on ways to enhance a culture of philanthropy
- Identify evidence within their schools where areas can be strengthened to improve philanthropy
Cohort Session #1: Cohort Introduction and Research
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Online | 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET
Cohort Session #2: Getting to Know You and Your Research
In-Person Intensives
Held in conjunction with CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference 2024, in Austin, Texas
Online Sessions
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Online | 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET
Culture of Hospitality
Shara Freeman Hoefel, Assistant Head of School for External Relations, Francis Parker School
Have you had an experience of being amazingly cared for or taken care of? So much so that you rave about the experience to your family and friends? Then you have experienced exceptional hospitality. Let's explore ways we can deliver exceptional hospitality in advancement that elevates a culture of our donors and volunteers feeling seen, known, and valued.
During this session, you will be able to:
- Evaluate programs with a hospitality lens
- Create red-carpet experiences that are low-budget and highly effective
- Give constituents a reason to talk about the institution
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Online | 10-11:30 AM PT | 1-2:30 PM ET
Lead from Where you Sit
Jen Fifer, Director of Institutional Advancement, The Episcopal Academy
Amy Smucker, Assistant Head of School for External Relations, Berwick Academy