Daniel Suda, Senior Director of Outreach and Engagement for the University of North Texas Alumni Association, says nothing makes him happier than seeing UNT students receive their rings each semester.
“It’s a day of tradition, smiles, pride, and accomplishment,” he says.
For many students, the day they receive their UNT rings is even more special than graduation day, he adds, because “it’s so personal.” Suda wears two college rings with pride. He has one from Texas A&M University, U.S., where he received his undergraduate degree, and one from UNT, where he is a Ph.D. candidate.
“Texas is a big class ring state,” he says. Citing numbers from UNT’s ring vendor Jostens, Suda says, “A&M has the largest ring program in the state, and it looks like UNT now has the second largest program, with up to 20% of each class purchasing rings.”
Suda has worked with the UNT Alumni Association to grow the ring program at the U.S. institution, which has an annual enrollment of approximately 45,000.