Have you ever had one of those moments when you think, “Wow—I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be”? It’s when everything just clicks. The scary chances you’ve taken, the degrees you’ve earned, the people you’ve met, the choices you’ve made—all of those come together, and you realize you are making a difference. And you’re happy.
I’ve been fortunate that this has happened several times in my life, most recently in October 2023 at the Conference for Community College Advancement. I was in my sixth week as Director of Community Colleges and Foundations for CASE, but I was already surrounded by new friends who would not let me fail. Instead of being nervous, I leaned in and networked the heck out of those three days. I met people from across the U.S. who were—like me—passionate about community colleges.
So why community colleges? I didn’t even attend one! But I was introduced to Brookdale Community College in Monmouth County, New Jersey, U.S., by my mom, who volunteered at a museum on its campus. Once a horse farm, the Brookdale main campus is a gorgeous location, and I loved going there as a child and seeing all the “grown-ups” walking to class.