James H. Moore, Jr.

James H. Moore, Jr.

University of Illinois Foundation


Jim Moore joined the University of Illinois Foundation in July 2015 as president/CEO. He is a nationally recognized and award-winning fundraising professional with measurable and meaningful success in public and private institutions of higher education of varying size and scope.

Jim serves as the University of Illinois’ chief development officer and provides strategic oversight and support for a comprehensive fundraising operation for the University of Illinois System and its three universities in Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, and Springfield.

After beginning his career in higher education admissions and financial aid, Jim embarked on a fundraising career that now spans three decades. Prior to joining the Foundation, Jim served as president and CEO of the University of Arizona Foundation and president and CEO of the University of Northern Colorado Foundation. He previously held senior-level positions at Northwest Missouri State University, Clarkson University, University of Arizona, and Iowa State University.

Jim is a widely respected leader in higher education advancement, serving on the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) National Committee on Institutionally Related Foundations and the CASE Commission on Philanthropy. He currently serves as an At-Large member of the CASE Board of Trustees and was CASE Board Chair from 2019-2021.

Jim earned a master’s degree in management systems from Clarkson University and a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Northwest Missouri State.