Sandra Kurtinitis

Sandra Kurtinitis

Community College of Baltimore County


President of the Community College of Baltimore County since 2005, Dr. Sandra L. Kurtinitis is an experienced and respected educator, administrator and author. As she embarks on her 50th year as a community college professional, Dr. Kurtinitis remains a tireless and dynamic supporter of CCBC’s mission: to provide an accessible, affordable, and high-quality education that prepares students for transfer and career success, strengthens the regional workforce, and enriches our community.

Dr. Kurtinitis is committed to furthering the impact of community colleges nationally as well. She has been a member of the board of directors of the American Association of Community Colleges since 2015, and is currently the organization’s chair-elect. She assumes the chair position of the organization in July 2018.

A self-described “servant-leader,” Dr. Kurtinitis is resolutely committed to inclusive leadership and open communication, affirming her belief that the classroom is a far more important place on campus than the executive office.

Under Dr. Kurtinitis’ leadership, CCBC has made significant strides in improving service to students while strengthening its operational areas to best support instruction. She supports a lean executive structure, bringing strong central leadership across the college while fostering a collaborative, learning-centered environment throughout the institution.

Educating nearly 65,000 students annually, CCBC has received many accolades during Dr. Kurtinitis’ tenure. Most recently, CCBC was awarded the prestigious Kohlberg Prize for the college’s work in championing issues related to student-veterans. Community College Week named CCBC among the “Top 100 Associate Degree Producers” in the United States.

With a reputation as a thought-provoking leader, Dr. Kurtinitis is regularly called upon as a trusted resource for local, county and state legislators, and has received several invitations to the White House to participate in discussions regarding higher education and college attainment.