Raymond Betzner

Raymond Betzner

Associate Vice President Strategic Marketing and Communications
Temple University


Ray Betzner brings more than 30 years of higher ed communications experience to his role as Associate Vice President for Executive Communications at Temple University in Philadelphia. At Temple he works with the executive leadership team to develop institutional messages, build relationships with internal and external audiences, handle crisis communications and grow the institution's reputation on a state, national and international level. Before coming to Temple, he held leadership communications positions at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., and at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va.

Ray is a strong believer in mentoring young professionals and has worked along those lines with several professional groups. He has also been a long-time leader for CUPRAP, the higher education communicators professional development group based in Pennsylvania.

If you want to know about his not-so-secret hobby, ask him about Sherlock Holmes. Leave at least an hour. He’ll buy the first round.