Nina Cohen Bohn

Nina Cohen Bohn

Director of Principal Gifts and External Relations, Asia Pacific
London Business School


With nearly twenty years of higher educational fundraising experience, Nina is best described as an enthusiast for learning and all the opportunity that brings. This distinct attitude served her well when after university and 15 years of corporate roles in sports marketing and cable television advertising sales she transitioned to MIT Sloan and business school fundraising. It also was her foundation for the transatlantic transition to London Business School in 2005. After taking on the buildup of the Major Gifts team at LBS they were subsequently prepared for the School’s first comprehensive campaign in 2013. With a goal of £100 million, Nina led fundraising and activities in Asia Pacific as well as the Principal Gift effort contributing to the team’s overall success at raising £125M in three short years. After terrific experiences analyzing and growing the alumni engagement and fundraising programs at Royal College of Art and City Lit, she returned to LBS in 2018 to strengthen their global position as Director of Principal Gifts and External Relations Asia Pacific. Known as a consummate collaborator, Nina brings a high level of creativity and strategy to her projects which often are multi stakeholder group intensive. Her personal interests revolve around health and wellbeing balanced with interesting food and drink, travel and spending time with her husband and grown sons.