Monday, October 2, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Conference Registration
Welcome to Chicago! Stop by the registration desk any time before 1:00 to check in and pick up your conference materials.
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM CT
Introductions and Welcome
This is your conference, let’s start it out right! Join conference faculty to kick off the program, meet your fellow attendees, and set the stage to make the most of our time together.
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM CT
Finding Your Institutional Voice
Whether you’re new to your institution or you’ve been there for decades finding your voice and learning how to talk about the impact of annual giving on your campus is a must. In this session, each faculty member will talk about how they learned the ethos, culture, and narrative of their institutions and how they leverage that knowledge to produce results. Storytelling is an important part of the annual giving framework, and each campus has a uniquely special story to tell -- what’s your story?
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement, Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University, Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh, Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Countdown Clocks, Challenge Matches, and Big Numbers: All Things Giving Day
Giving Days have taken the advancement world by storm in recent years. Whether you have one, plan to add one, or continue to be asked about it by leadership, donors, or colleagues, Giving Days are a topic that keeps coming up. In this session, we’ll review the benefits, struggles, planning process, and scalability of giving days, so you can decide if adding this tactic is right for your institution and most importantly, your donors.
Speakers: Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM CT
Lightning Round with the Faculty
Engage in these 10-minute mini-presentations by the Faculty, followed by Q&A.
• Quick appeal checklist
• Excel formulas we love
• Senior Class Gift to Young Alumni
• How to talk about U.S. News and World Report rankings
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement, Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University, Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University, Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh
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