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Special Offer on CASE's Award-Winning Inclusion and Belonging Tool
Discover how to measure and enhance your institution's inclusion and belonging efforts with the ASAE-award-winning CASE Advancement Inclusion Index, now at a discounted member rate available throughout October.
Whether you're benchmarking progress or seeking strategies to drive meaningful change, the Index gives your institution the tools to interpret scores, identify gaps, and plan for future growth in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.
September - October 2024 Issue of Currents
Celebrate CASE's 50 anniversary! Explore CASE's history, global journey, and signature activities that serve the profession, like research, training, mentoring, and more.
International schools and their advancement offices are often thousands of miles apart, but CASE makes the world a smaller place building connections, collegiality and creative collisions across the globe. Being part of the CASE community is simply a 'must have' for any advancement professional!
CASE provides a wealth of resources to understand best practices, and it sets the standard for what and how we should operate in the advancement world. It supports me in how to do the best for my own institution.
CASE gives us the ability as an institution to start to network and profile some of the great things we are doing. Those opportunities to put our own institution out there has also even helped us in recruiting.
I think CASE gives members opportunities to learn and meet new people and peers in this career that are doing similar things. You can learn from each other, and then take that knowledge back to be successful.
CASE connects me to some of the smartest people in the industry and makes sure I’m not thinking about what’s just working now, but what will be working next, and in future generations.
CASE inspired and supported me in developing, establishing and expanding an alumni relations programme at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory which has grown threefold in the last decade. The programme plays an increasingly significant role in EMBL’s mission to support life sciences in Europe and beyond. Together with CASE, we are now preparing to translate this success in offering an Advancement Summit for Life Sciences institutes worldwide. Thank you CASE!